TootInstall Concept

Status of this Memo

This memo defines a conceptual protocol for software build and install scripts for varying platforms published via Fediverse (ActivityPub i.e Mastodon, et al) posts.


These days, the options for software build and install processes are many, and jumping through the hoops required for some operating systems can be troublesome and sometimes impossible.
Additionally, having to maintain many published packages for varying platforms is laborious, and sometimes means packages in some platforms become out of date and unmaintained.
The TootInstall concept aims to bypass many of these requirements in an effort to have build and install scripts available for any application available on a decentralized, federated, all-accessible platform.

Usage - by Developers

A software developer or package maintainer would post their script using their preferred federated ActivityPub service, and mention a tootinstall bot (i.e. @tootinstall_bot@tootinstall.example). The tootinstall bot would then parse the script and re-post it, giving attribution to the original poster.

It would be in everyone's best interests if all package requirements are listed to ensure all dependencies are satisfied before attempting the install.

For example, a simple tootinstall script may look like the following:

name = "my_package"
targets = ["linux+amd64", "linux+arm", "freebsd+amd64"]
dependencies = ["bash","git"]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
git clone https://gitrepo.example/me/my_package /tmp/my_package
cd /tmp/my_package
cp ./my_package /usr/local/bin/my_package

which the bot would receive, and re-post like so:

name = "my_package"
targets = ["linux+amd64", "linux+arm", "freebsd+amd64"]
dependencies = ["bash","git"]
author = "@you@a_mastodon_instance.example"
date = "2024-29-07T14:48:00"
status = "pending approval"
tootinstall_host = "packages.tootinstall.example"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
git clone https://gitrepo.example/me/my_package /tmp/my_package
cd /tmp/my_package
cp ./my_package.bash /usr/local/bin/my_package

The tootinstall bot should have RSS enabled for their posts, which is then parsed by a tootinstall helper and collated into a tootinstall database and published on a tootinstall host.

Usage - by End Users

An end user only requires a simple portable tootinstall binary which can be used as follows:

tootinstall install my_package @packages.tootinstall.example

TootInstall Bot

A tootinstall bot is a ActivityPub account that is able to read posts it is mentioned in, adapt incoming information and create new posts with correctly formatted tootinstall script text.

It must:

  • be able to publish their ActivityPub feed via RSS so a tootinstall helper is able to easily read posts it sends for new tootinstall scripts.
  • post a tootinstall script as a new post, not a reply, nor a boost, nor a quote boost, nor anything similar, to simplify RSS feed handling.
  • create 'author', 'date', 'status', and 'tootinstall_host' tags in the tootinstall script and ignore those in the original post to prevent information poisoning.
  • be able to operate a blacklist of accounts/instances to prevent spamming

It may also be useful if it could:

  • receive boosts/favourites and forward these on to a tootinstall helper for approval and scoring purposes (see Approvals and Scoring).

TootInstall Helper

A tootinstall helper is a background service that can read RSS feeds provided by configured tootinstall bots collating all new tootinstall scripts it has posted, store them in a database, and be able to search and return information about them as requested by a tootinstall user binary.

It must:

  • be able to be configured to check multiple tootinstall bot RSS feeds to allow for a more federated and decentralised service.
  • be able to write to a persistent database
  • be able to return a script by name
  • NOT allow anyone other than the original author or maintainers to update a script
  • be able to operate a blacklist of accounts/instances to prevent spamming

It would also be useful if it could:

  • increment a version number of a tootinstall script automatically. Incoming version numbers should be ignored.

TootInstall Host

A tootinstall host is a web frontend used by tootinstall user binary that is able to utilise the tootinstall helper to return tootinstall scripts.

It must:

  • be accessible on the internet
  • be able to search and return a list of packages in json format
  • be able to return a specific package script by name in toml format

Endpoint URLs should be as follows:

  • /search?q=package_name
  • /install?p=package_name

The TootInstall Bot, Helper and Host can all be the same system and do not necessarily need to be separate services

TootInstall Script

A tootinstall script is a toml document describing the dependencies and build/install process of a package.
It has the following parameters:

  • Editable:
name         : string : the package name (not editable after the first post)
targets      : array[string] : a list of os+arch targets
dependencies : array[string] : a list of software dependencies required 
maintainers  : array[string] : a list of ActivityPub accounts who can update a script
  • Non-Editable:
author           : string : the original author of the script
date             : datetime : the date and time the script was last updated (RFC3339)
status           : string : the status of the script (pending approval, approved, archived)
tootinstall_host : string : the host on which this package has been published

The Editable parameters are enclosed in +++'s to define separation between the parameters and the main script.
A tootinstall script should also include a shebang to ensure the script runs as expected.

TootInstall Binary

A tootinstall binary is a simple portable binary that anyone can download and run to get TootInstall functionality.

A guideline for usage is as below:

tootinstall [mode] package_name @[tootinstall_host] 
    install    -    builds and installs the package as per the script
    download   -    downloads a script but does not run it
    search     -    searches the tootinstall url for a package name
    inspect    -    finds and displays the tootinstall script
    package_name          - Required. the package name to install or 
                            search or inspect
    @[tootinstall host]   - Required. the host on which a tootinstall 
                            database is running

It must:

  • be able to access the internet
  • be able to search and download tootinstall scripts from multiple tootinstall hosts
  • be able to run the downloaded script
  • allow the user to inspect the script


The various tootinstall bots and helpers should be configured to do some basic verification of the script poster.

Good examples of some basic checks are:

  • does the poster have a bio?
  • does the poster have an image?
  • has the poster been active on the fediverse for a reasonable amount of time
  • has the poster been interacting with people of the fediverse for a reasonable amount of time?
  • does the poster have some other people following them?
  • has the poster ever been boosted and/or favourited by somebody else a few times?


As a popularity/rating service, we can utilise ActivityPub boosts and favourites as a scoring platform for tootinstall scripts.

  • favourite = "I like this" = 1 point
  • boost = "I want other people to see this" = 1 point

A favourite and a boost from one account can give a script 2 points.


It would not be sensible to publish a script immediately after posting as doing so massively increases the risk of distributing malware.
Instead, it would be wise to implement an approval concept whereby authorised accounts could authorise a script by replying to the tootinstall bot's post with an approval state i.e. "approved" or "denied". A tootinstall bot could also actively seek out approval from a list of configured accounts, and post the script privately to them before actually posting the published script.
Secondary to this, we could implement a form of crowdsourced approval whereby if a script score reaches a certain level, it is automatically approved.

Written by Paul Wilde - 29th July 2024

Final Notes

OK… let's address the elephant in the room. I am very aware this is incredibly dangerous and you should be very aware this is a parody concept. Please, everyone, PLEASE, do not implement any of this!! It is just meant as a humorous thought experiment and is in no way intended to make it to production.